Follow Me – Instagram leave_no_doubt_mindset After every proposal result, win or lose, hold an Drink coffee, read, think, write, post. Repeat. Employee expectations have changed. The expectatio The level people can reach in #jiujitsu is incredi I’m changing my strategy. Not losing x amount of I'm changing my strategy. Not losing x amount of p Some people like to create problems, or artificial The behavior over the last couple week of the poli Protect, maintain, and care for your mind. It’s I’m not great at New Years Resolutions, because Transparency is good. As @sethgodin says, ship it Seeing the world through a “Get To” lens is a I recommend you read these books in January. Start Porsche 911 is an icon. A masterful creation showc Porsche 911 is an icon. A masterful creation showc #marcusarelius #stoicmindset #unstoppable Competitive Advantage - a key to business success. When you leave your organization, will it be bette When you leave your organization, will it be bette Defining career achievements are built upon numero Load More... Follow on Instagram